Terms and Conditions - United States
The terms and conditions described below (hereinafter the "Terms") establish the conditions and requirements under which the contest "The Bimbo Dream", "O Sonho Pullman", "El Sueño Ideal", "O Sonho Plusvita”, "Visul Bimbo", (hereinafter the" Contest") will be governed. The provisions herein are mandatory for all Contestants, who must read, understand, and accept these Terms in full.
The Contest will be announced through Grupo Bimbo®'s official profiles on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/grupo_bimbo/), Grupo Bimbo®'s profile on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GrupoBimbo) and/or the TikTok profile Grupo Bimbo (https://www.tiktok.com/@grupo_bimbo).
The Terms may be consulted by the Contestants at:
- suenobimbo.com
- elsuenoideal.com
- osonhopullman.com
- osonhoplusvita.com
- nourishdreams.com
- visulbimbo.com
- thenybakerydream.com
("Contest Websites").
Official Social Media Platforms:
The Digital Competition will be promoted on the following official social media pages:
Central America
United States of America
Bimbo USA | https://www.facebook.com/BimboBakedGoods/ |
https://www.instagram.com/bimbo_usa/ |
Bimbo | https://www.instagram.com/bimbovenezuela?igsh=bTB0a2RraDI5cG8z |
https://www.facebook.com/BimboVenezuela/?locale=es_LA |
Ideal | https://www.facebook.com/IdealChile/?locale=es_LA |
https://www.instagram.com/idealchile/?hl=es | |
https://www.youtube.com/@mktgidealbimbo |
Bimbo | https://www.facebook.com/BimboParaguayOficial |
https://www.instagram.com/bimbopy/ | |
https://www.youtube.com/@BimboParaguay1 |
Bimbo | https://www.facebook.com/bimbouruguay |
https://www.instagram.com/bimbo_uy/ | |
https://www.youtube.com/@RecetasBimboUruguay |
Bimbo | https://www.facebook.com/BimboArgentina/ |
https://www.instagram.com/bimboargentina/ | |
https://www.youtube.com/@bimboargentina |
Bimbo | https://www.facebook.com/bimboecuador/ |
https://www.instagram.com/bimboec/ | |
https://www.youtube.com/@bimboecuador291 |
Bimbo | https://www.facebook.com/BimboColombia |
https://www.instagram.com/bimbocolombia | |
https://www.youtube.com/@bimbocolombiaoficial | |
https://twitter.com/GrupoBimboCOL |
Bimbo | https://www.instagram.com/bimbo_pt/ |
https://www.facebook.com/bimbo.pt/ | |
https://www.tiktok.com/@bimbo_pt | |
https://www.youtube.com/@BIMBODonutsPortugal |
Bimbo | https://www.facebook.com/BimboEspana/ |
https://www.instagram.com/bimboesp/ | |
https://x.com/BimboEsp | |
https://www.youtube.com/user/CanalBimbo | |
https://www.tiktok.com/@bimboesp |
Bimbo | https://www.instagram.com/velpitar.romania/ |
https://www.facebook.com/@velpitar | |
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2upbi1i4rEL72ZFnfVe9vA | |
https://www.instagram.com/bimbo.romania/ | |
https://www.facebook.com/bimbo.romania/ |
United Kingdom of Great Britain
NY Bakery Co | https://www.instagram.com/nybakeryco/ |
https://x.com/nybakeryco | |
https://www.facebook.com/newyorkbakery |
Bimbo | https://www.facebook.com/BimboMarocOfficiel |
https://www.instagram.com/bimbomaroc |
The parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) (hereinafter referred to as the “Legal Representatives of the Minors”) of the female players participating in the Digital Competition hereby declare that they have read and fully understood these Terms and Conditions, and that they expressly agree to comply in full with all requirements and conditions outlined herein (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”).
The Digital Competition will be referred to as: “El Sueño Bimbo,” “The Bimbo Dream,” “O Sonho Pullman,” “El Sueño Ideal,” “O Sonho Plusvita, “Visul Bimbo,” and “The New York Bakery Dream.”
The name used will vary according to the region and respective country.
Coverage: This competition is available nationally in the following countries:
- Republic of Colombia
- Republic of Costa Rica
- Republic of Ecuador
- Republic of El Salvador
- Republic of Guatemala
- Republic of Honduras
- Republic of Nicaragua
- Republic of Panama
- Republic of Argentina
- Republic of Paraguay
- United States of America
- Oriental Republic of Uruguay
- Brazil
- Kingdom of Spain
- Republic of Chile
- Morocco (Al Mamlaka al-Maghrebiya)
- Portuguese Republic
- Kingdom of Romania (Regatul României)
- Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The social networks in which the Contest will be broadcast in the United States will be:
- https://www.facebook.com/BimboBakedGoods/
- https://www.instagram.com/bimbo_usa/
- https://www.youtube.com/@BimboUSA
- https://www.espn.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/ESPN
- https://x.com/espn
- https://www.instagram.com/espn/
- https://www.youtube.com/espn
- https://www.tiktok.com/@espn
- https://www.facebook.com/DisneyPlus
- https://twitter.com/disneyplus
- https://www.instagram.com/disneyplus/
- https://www.youtube.com/c/DisneyPlus
- https://www.tiktok.com/@disneyplus
Contest Period: From March 3rd, 2025, to May 19th, 2025, divided into:
- Registration and Participation period from March 3rd to April 7th until 11:59 p.m.
- Selection period from April 8th to April 30th.
- Experience period, May 12th – 19th.
Type: This Contest does not involve chance. Its purpose is to reward the talent of girls who play female's soccer.
The Organizer and/or Responsible Party: The Contest is carried out by Corporativo Bimbo S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter the "Organizer") with an official address at Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 1000, Col. Peña Blanca, Santa Fe, Mexico City, Mexico, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01210.
The digital part of the dynamic is executed by Efecto Mescalina, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (hereinafter referred to as "MESCALINA"), with an official address to receive notifications at Calle General Manuel de la Peña y Peña 38, Col. Chapultepec Norte, C.P. 58260, Morelia, Michoacán.
The delivery of the prizes/experiences is the responsibility of the company Business Travel Consulting, S.A de C.V. (hereinafter referred to as "BTC"), with an official address to receive notifications at Av. Río Mixcoac 69, Col. Crédito Constructor, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, C.P. 03940, Mexico City, Mexico.
The selection of the winners is the responsibility of BIMBO, S.A. DE C.V. whose address for receiving notifications is at Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 1000, Col. Peña Blanca Santa Fe, Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01210, Mexico City, Mexico.
Without limiting the definition of any other terms herein, for the purposes of these Terms, the following definitions shall apply:
Female Players or Contestants: Contestants may only be girls who play competitive women's soccer between the ages of 10 (ten) and 13 (thirteen) years old during the validity of the Contest. The player must have been born between May 13th, 2011, and May 12th, 2015, which ensures that the player is between 10 and 13 years old at the time of the trip to Barcelona.
The registration of the player, as well as acceptance of the Terms, must be carried out by the father, mother, or if applicable, the legally appointed guardian, who must prove so with the corresponding legal document. No data provided directly from minors will be collected or accepted.
In case the Contestant does not meet this age requirement, she will not be able to register for the Contest. In the event that the player turns 14 (fourteen) years old during the Contest Period of the Contest, she will not be able to participate in the Contest.
Legal representatives of the minors: Mother and/or Father and/or Legal Guardian who, in accordance with the legislation of each country, as well as based on the International Treaties to which they are parties in matters of the protection of children and adolescents, have the right to make decisions on behalf of the minors and to represent them legally in order to participate in the Contest based on these Terms.
If a parent registers a player, they must obtain the other parent's consent. Both parents must agree to the player's participation and sign the necessary permissions. Failure to meet this requirement will result in disqualification, and another eligible player will be selected. If the player only has one parent, the father or mother must state it at the time of contact so that she is not disqualified for it.
In cases in which the player is represented by a legal guardian, he or she must prove it with the appropriate legal document granted by a judicial authority or executive authority under the terms of the laws for his or her country, which must be valid in Spain.
Prizes and/or experiences: Goods that are offered in the Contest and that are described in section VIII of these Terms.
Mechanics of the Contest: Set of guidelines and steps to follow in order participate in the Contest and aspire to obtain a prize.
Registrations: the registration of the female players and their legal representatives on the Contest platforms.
Participation Period: It is understood as the period during which the activities required in section VI, point 4, subsection A of the segment called Mechanics of Contest are fulfilled.
The Registration and Participation Period will be held from March 3rd, 2025, to April 7th, 2025, until 11:59 p.m.
The Organizer reserves the right to verify that the participating Female Players, as well as the winning Female Players, are of the required age to participate in the Contest and have the authorization of their father and mother or legal guardian, which will be verified through reviewing documentation that may be required of the legal representatives of the minors, and with which it will be certified that their participation is being carried out in full compliance with the Terms. In this regard, the Organizer may request, including but not limited to, the following data and/or information:
Parent and/or guardian information:
- Full name.
- Email.
- Cell phone.
- Relationship with the player (Father, Mother or Guardian).
- City of residence.
- State.
- Country.
- Nationality.
- Statement under oath to tell the truth that he or she has a passport that is valid all throughout the duration of the Contest and for the 6 subsequent months after its conclusion.
- Statement that you have a VISA or document that allows you to legally stay in Spain.
Contestant (Player) information:
- Name and Nickname or pseudonym.
- Date of birth (Age ranges between 10 and 13 years of age)
- City of residence.
- State.
- Country.
- Nationality.
- Statement under oath to tell the truth that he or she has a passport that is valid all throughout the duration of the Contest and for the 6 subsequent months after its conclusion.
- A declaration stating that the player has a valid visa or other necessary documentation allowing legal stay in Spain.
- Confirmation that she plays in a Competitive Soccer League and its name (also known as Club Soccer or Travel Soccer).
- Soccer practice time, weekly hours spent training soccer, number and name of soccer leagues in which she has participated, number and name of soccer championships she has won, individual awards in soccer she has won.
- Playing position.
The required information can only be provided by the minor's legal representatives, at no time will information provided directly by the player be accepted. Therefore, the legal representatives of the minor grant their consent for the Organizer to collect the Personal Data specified above in order to identify them and, where appropriate, designate the winners of the Contest as well as to determine compliance with these Terms. In this sense, the Organizer will act as the person in charge of said Personal Data in order to be able to process it and transfer it for the purposes of these Terms, as well as the Responsible for said Personal Data. The terms "Personal Data", "Responsible", "Processor" and "Processing" shall be understood as the definition for such terms established by the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties applicable in Mexico, which is the place where the Contest will take place.
As an essential requirement, the Players must have their legal residence in the countries and regions in which the legal representatives of the minors identify at the time of providing this information, which may be corroborated by the Organizer through the means that it deems appropriate according to each country and/or region.
The privacy notice of the Data Controller can be found at the following link: https://privacy.grupobimbo.com/mexico/policy/sitiosweb/index.html
The legal representatives of the minors will comply in a timely manner with the requirements identified, both in these Terms, as well as with those published on Grupo Bimbo®'s Facebook® page, and on Grupo Bimbo®'s Instagram® profile, so that they can be considered as Players of the Contest.
These Terms govern the Contest called "El Sueño Bimbo", "The Bimbo Dream", "O Sonho Pullman", "El Sueño Ideal", and "Visul Bimbo". The participation of the Players through their legal representatives in the Contest implies knowledge and acceptance of these Terms, the privacy notice, as well as the authorizations that are irrevocably contained in these Terms.
By participating in the Contest, they agree to be bound by the rules and decisions of the Organizer, which will be final and binding with respect to all matters related to the Contest.
Any violation of these Terms, the decisions of the Organizer, as well as the established procedures or systems, will imply the immediate disqualification and exclusion of the player and/or the revocation of any of the prizes.
1. Any female person between the ages of 10 and 13 that were born between May 13th, 2011, and May 12th, 2015 is eligible to participate (restrictions marked within Section II of these Terms) if they are being represented by their father, mother, or legal guardian when they register and manage the arrangement that will allow the minor to take part in the Contest with them as their legal representative. These persons must be over the legal age so as to represent the minor between the ages of 10 (ten) and 13 (thirteen) during the Contest. The registration and acceptance of the Terms must be made by the father, mother and/or guardian who must make the corresponding registration. No data provided by minors will be collected or accepted.
In the event that the minor, because of her date of birth, turns 14 years of age during the period of the Contest or up until its conclusion, she will not be eligible to participate.
Have legal residence within the countries covered by the Contest. (III. GENERAL ASPECTS OF CONTEST - Coverage)
2. Electronic devices with internet access are required.
3. The legal representatives of the minors expressly undertake the responsibility to guarantee the accuracy and truthfulness of all the data provided, of both the Players and of themselves. The Organizer is exempt from any responsibility for errors in the information shared by the Contestant that delay, hinder or prevent, totally or partially, the possibility of delivering any prizes related to the Contest.
4. The Organizer reserves the right to verify at any time that each of the Contestants complies with the eligibility conditions to participate in the Contest, being exempt from any obligation (including the delivery of Prizes or any other) towards any person who has participated or who has intended to participate in the Contest without complying with the eligibility conditions.
5. Relatives (with up to third degree kinship) of employees from the Organizer, its subsidiaries, or partner agencies, as well as any related companies, are ineligible to participate in the Contest.
6. Grupo Bimbo S.A. de C.V., Efecto Mescalina S.A.P.I. de C.V. or any of their related companies will not be responsible for any misuse of the videos uploaded in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
- The parent and/or guardian must enter the digital platform and register within the site:
- suenobimbo.com
- elsuenoideal.com
- osonhopullman.com
- osonhoplusvita.com
- nourishdreams.com
- visulbimbo.com
- thenybakerydream.com
- The father, mother and/or guardian must register the minor between 10 and 13 years of age to participate in this Contest and must fill in the corresponding box on the website that states that the data provided is provided by a person of legal age who is the minor's legal representative.
- Father and/or mother and/or guardian, as well as the minor, must have the following current documentation to be able to participate:
- Passport valid for more than six months after May 12th, 2025, which is when the trip will take place.
- VISA or other applicable documentation allowing legal stay in Spain, in case it is required for entry to Spain, depending on the legislation of the country of origin and/or residence of the player.
- In case the player is chosen among the contestants, the guardian must have the legal document that proves the guardianship of the minor.
- In case the player is chosen among the contestants, the father and/or mother and/or guardian must have a valid legal document that allows them to travel abroad with the minor, as well as the written consent of the other parent if applicable.
- Once registered, the father, mother and/or guardian must carry out the following activities:
- Make a video with the title "My Dream in Football", a maximum of 1 minute long, where the player explains her passion for football and her love for Football Club Barcelona and why she should be a part of "The Dream 2025". This video must be uploaded onto the registration platform.
- Answer the Trivia about Football Club Barcelona on the registration page.
- The parent and/or guardian must upload onto the registration page nourishdreams.com the video with the title "My Dream in Soccer" and complement it with the following information from the player: How long she’s practiced football for, hours spent weekly on soccer training, number and name of soccer leagues in which she has participated, number and name of soccer championships she has won, awards in soccer she has won. (Information provided by any minor will not be accepted.)
- The father, mother and/or guardian must register the minor between 10 and 13 years of age to participate in this Contest and must fill in the corresponding box on the website that states that the data provided is provided by a person of legal age representing the minor.
- The winning players will be entitled to 2 (two) incentives and/or experiences, which must be used 1 (one) by the father and/or mother and/or guardian who has registered the player and 1 (one) by the winning player.
At the end of the Contest, the players who meet the requirements, and those who are chosen by the selection committee, will be entitled to the experiences detailed in these rules, and whose list will be published on the Contest website.
The potential players will be contacted, through their legal representatives via the email and/or telephone that they provided for this purpose, this will be carried out by the team in charge of managing the logistics of the experience, in no more than 15 days after the end of the Contest, so that the Organizer may request, review and validate that the documentation of the Contestant complies with the aforementioned requirements.
In order to verify the consent of the father and/or mother and/or legal guardian of the player, the Organizer and/or Responsible Party will have the power to communicate by videoconference, in order to verify that there is indeed a consent of the minor's legal representative to participate in the Contest and that no information is being provided by any minor or person removed too far from the player.
WINNER NOTIFICATION: Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding on all matters relating to these Sweepstakes. Potential winners may also be required to complete an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability and Publicity Release (unless prohibited by law) and any other documents required by the Sponsor, which must be returned within three (3) business days of initial notification. Return of notification as undeliverable, failure to sign and return requested documentation within the specified period, the inability of the Sponsor to contact a potential winner within a reasonable time period or noncompliance with these Terms and Conditions by a potential winner will result in disqualification and, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion, an alternate winner will be selected.
The selection of the players who will enjoy the incentives/experiences will be made by a selection committee that will be appointed in each region by the Organizer of the Contest, who will choose the players based on the following scoring table:
Selection criteria | Points |
(Video) "My dream in football" | 40 points |
Trivia | 10 points |
Committee assessment | 50 points |
The selection committee will award each selection criterion the maximum score according to the following mechanics, drawing up for this purpose a record per player justifying their score:
First. In the section (Videos) "My dream in football", 20 points will be awarded to the player who clearly explains in the video her passion for football, her love for Football Club Barcelona and why she should be a part of "The Bimbo Dream 2025", another 20 points will be awarded if the father and/or mother and/or guardian upload the video on time and correctly onto the registration page.
Second. In the Trivia section, 10 points will be awarded to the player who correctly answers the Trivia about Football Club Barcelona on the registration page.
Third. The section "committee assessment" will be done freely, and they will give their score as follows:
- They will award 10 points if the player complies on time, informs by registering, uploading her video through her legal representative.
- They will award 10 points if they have permits and sufficient documentation to make the trip to the city of Barcelona, Spain at the time of the experience.
- They will award up to 30 points for the content of the video "My dream in football", in which the originality and passion that the player has put into making it will be scored.
The selection committee reserves the right to select the participating player based on these Terms and conditions.
If the player does not fulfill the requirements and documentation required by section V, in point 2 and 3, paragraphs a, b, c and d, of these legal bases, she will be automatically disqualified from the Digital Contest and may not be considered to accumulate the score that will allow her to be entitled to the incentives/experiences.
The number of Players entitled to the prizes and/or experiences per country will be as follows:
Language | Country | Girls per Country (Competition) |
Spanish LATAM | Colombia | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Costa Rica | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Ecuador | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | El Salvador | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Guatemala | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Honduras | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Nicaragua | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Panama | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Venezuela | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Argentina | 3 |
Spanish LATAM | Paraguay | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Uruguay | 1 |
Spanish LATAM | Chile | 3 |
English | USA | 2 |
Portuguese | Brazil | 2 |
Spanish/Catalan | Spain | 5 |
French | Morocco | 1 |
Portuguese | Portugal | 2 |
Romanian | Rumania | 2 |
British English | UK | 1 |
Total | 33 |
The Prize consists of an all-expenses-paid trip (except for the excluded expenses mentioned below) to Barcelona, Spain, for the winning player and the parent and/or guardian of the winning player accompanying her from May 12th through the 19th, 2025.
Prize value: $12,597 US dollars.
The Prize includes:
- Round trip air transfer from the main airport of the region or country of origin of the winning player to Barcelona, Spain. The conditions of the air transfer will be informed 5 (five) days before the trip.
- Airport-Hotel-Airport Transfers in the city of Barcelona, Spain.
- Transfers to all activities during the stay in Barcelona.
- Accommodation for 5 (five) days, 4 (four) nights at the hotel SB Plaza Europa, Address: Carrer de les Ciències, 11, 13, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
- Food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in Barcelona, Spain, which will be chosen by the Organizer.
- Traveler's insurance that will be contracted from the city of origin by the agency hired in each country to carry out the transfers, the policy with the general conditions can be reviewed on the Universal Assistance website:
Likewise, the winning Contestant, whilst in the company of her parent and/or guardian, will be participating in various activities, including:
- Training and nutrition clinics.
- Friendly soccer games.
- Tourist outings chosen by the Organizer.
- Meet-and-greet.
- Attendance of a Women’s FCB soccer game.
The following expenses listed in an enunciative –but not limited– manner are not included in the prize and, therefore, if the winning Contestant and/or his/her parent and/or guardian incur them, they will be at their own expense:
- Souvenirs.
- Long-distance phone calls.
- Room service.
- Laundry service.
- Products found in the minibar in the hotel room.
- Loss of any object owned by the Contestant, her parent and/or guardian and/or any of her travel companions.
- Payment for damage caused to the premises, goods or property of the hotel caused by, or which are the responsibility of, any of the Participant, his/her parent and/or guardian and/or any of his/her travel companions.
- Any other expense generated at the hotel or during the trip that is not clearly and expressly included within the benefits of the prize, as established in this section.
- Changes in the outbound or return air transfers and other expenses incurred by the Participant and his/her parent and/or guardian due to such changes, even those caused by force majeure, fortuitous events, acts of nature, etc.
- Transfer from the city of origin of the player and/or her legal representative, to the airport where the departure will be to the city of Barcelona, Spain.
- Sightseeing tours in and out of Barcelona, Spain.
- Food and beverage consumption inside the airport and during the flight.
- Any event or expense not expressly included in these terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, those caused by any event, fact or condition such as accidents, force majeure, acts of God, including terrorist acts of violence, and any other unforeseen events of any nature.
- Visa, passport, special permits or any other expenses and legal procedures required of the Players and their legal representatives to move from their place of residence to the city of Barcelona, Spain.
- Federal, state and local taxes and all other costs associated with prize acceptance and use not specified herein as being provided, including but not limited to transportation, accommodations, parking fees, meals, souvenirs and gratuities are the sole responsibility of the winners.
- Any other expenses that are not expressly mentioned in the expenses included.
The Organizer reserves the right to modify, extend, postpone, or cancel the Prize terms and conditions if deemed necessary due to unforeseen circumstances.
The Organizer makes no warranties about the Prize. The goods that make up the prizes are subject exclusively to the guarantees granted by the supplier, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
No experiences are redeemable for cash and/or any other experiences and will be given only to the selected winner.
The Organizer reserves the right to substitute the Prizes offered for winners of the Contest in exchange for similar items or goods of quality and characteristics when, for reasons beyond its control or due to the existence of unforeseen events, it is not possible to provide the Prizes identified in these Terms.
Prizes will be delivered in accordance with the following:
The possible winner’s Legal representatives will be notified via email and/or telephone by the Call Center, within 10 (ten) calendar days after the end of the Contest Period, in order to verify that they fulfill the requirements and Terms of this Contest.
Once the Organizer processes and confirms the information, it will contact each of the winning Players’ legal representatives within 30 calendar days after the validation of the information, by email and/or telephone through the Call Center, to proceed with the mechanics of prize delivery.
In the event that the minor's legal representative does not answer the calls and/or emails within the following 48 calendar hours (once the possible winners have been determined) or the data provided is incorrect, and it is not possible to contact him/her, it will be understood that the potential winner participant, through her legal representative, has renounced the prize and the next legal representative of the player on the list of possible winners will be contacted.
The Organizer will publish the names of the winners on the appropriate Contest website, once the validation of the information required in accordance with these Terms has been completed.
To answer any questions, complaints or clarifications regarding the Contest: contact@nourishdreams.com
- The winning Contestant and her legal representative who will accompany the winner must have a passport valid for more than six months after the travel dates and, if applicable, a visa for entry into Spain, depending on whether it is required by the legislation of her country of origin.
- The legal representative of the winning Contestant is responsible of reviewing the legal requirements and documentation needed to travel from her place of residence to the city of Barcelona, Spain, so the Organizer is not responsible for any situation of that nature that prevents her from participating in the experience.
- The Contestant and his/her mother and/or father and/or guardian must always avoid defamatory or insulting conduct within his/her participation and will be responsible for any faults they incur in.
- The Organizer reserves the right, without prior notice, to terminate the Contest.
In the event of war, natural disasters or any other event of catastrophic nature occurring in Spain or the countries that participate in the Contest, the Organizer reserves the right not to deliver the Prize.
- The Contestant, through her legal representatives, must follow all the directions and instructions indicated by the Organizer.
- The Prize is non-transferable, so the participant as well as her legal representative must be personal beneficiaries of it. The Prize and its benefits are not, endorsable, substitutable, or redeemable. Consequently, in no case may the winning Contestant, or her legal representative, request the Organizer to deliver the Prize to a third person or exchange it for cash or any other good.
- Medical and pharmaceutical expenses that are not included in the traveler's insurance contracted by the agency in charge of delivering the prizes/experiences.
- The Contestant, as well as her legal representatives when entering the Contest, are forbidden to post information regarding the Contest on social media unless the Organizer requires it.
In addition to the fact that participating in this Contest implies the acceptance of these Terms, as modified by the Organizer, as well as the decisions that are adopted on any matter foreseen or not foreseen in them, the Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any person who:
- Fails to comply with any of the requirements indicated in these Terms.
- Violates any rules and/or specifications of these Terms.
- Uses or develops any type of computer program that facilitates the introduction and/or validation of information, data, codes, etc., or automated participation in the App and/or any attempt, abuse or act of bad faith in which they take advantage of the Contest or put themselves in a privileged position and any other activity that alters the competition.
- Attacks or attempts to alter or manipulate the computer system of the Contest.
- Fails to validate their identity during the process.
- Carries out actions that threaten ethics, public order, the honor of people, good manners, or the values and reputation of the brands associated with this Contest and their owners.
- Puts the integrity and proper development of the Contest at risk.
- Forges any information within the registration form on the Website of the Contest.
- If the mother and/or father and/or guardian who plans to accompany the minor to the experience, has a criminal record of a sexual nature.
- In case the Organizer disqualifies an entry, no liability of any kind arises for the Organizer or its officers, administrators or staff towards the Contestant or third parties. In the event of disqualification of a Contestant for any reason, the Organizer retains the right to assign the experiences to which the Contestant would have been entitled, making a new selection of the Contestants or disposing of it at its convenience.
The players through their legal representatives, or the father and/or mother and/or legal guardian of the minors, have the right to abandon or renounce to participate in the Contest, as well as the prizes and/or experience at any time including during the duration of the Contest. In the event of being winners of the prizes and/or experience, as well as deciding to abandon or renounce the Contest, they must do so through the contact information provided in section IX (CONTACT DETAILS) of these terms and conditions, being able to do so on any day and at any time until before receiving the prizes and/or experience.
In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (the "Law"), its regulations and the applicable guidelines, we inform you of the following: Corporativo Bimbo, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter the "Group"), indicating for the purposes of this privacy notice the address located at Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 1000, Col. Peña Blanca Santa Fe, Mexico City, Mexico, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01210, will be responsible for collecting Contestant’s personal data from her legal representatives. It will also be responsible for the use and protection given to them and to that data collected by any of the commercial companies that are their controllers, subsidiaries or affiliates, or by third parties hired to perform services on behalf of the Group, in accordance with this privacy notice ("the Privacy Notice").
By virtue of the Contestant’s participation in the "Sueño Bimbo" experience, the legal representative will provide us with the following personal data of the Contestant and their children under 21 years of age: (i) Identification information: full name, age, nationality, state, zip code, (ii) Contact information: telephone, email, (iii) Identification and/or Passport and birth certificate. Personal Data: Photography and Video (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data")
In addition to the personal data mentioned above, for the purposes informed in this privacy notice, you provide us with the following personal data considered as sensitive: Image: photography and video (hereinafter, "Sensitive Personal Data").
Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data will be used for any of the following main purposes: (i) to identify you, (ii) to contact you, (iii) for statistical purposes, Group events and; (iv) to ensure compliance with all types of legal obligations, as well as for the purpose of promoting, disseminating and communicating the BIMBO brand and its Disney+ ESPN affiliates, for which reason –from this moment on– you grants express consent for such uses without any economic compensation.
By participating in our activities and events, you agree that your image and/or voice, captured by photography, video or other means, may be used for promotional, advertising and documentation purposes, in any media, including but not limited to social media, website and printed materials. Such personal information will be treated in accordance with our privacy and data protection policies indicated in this Notice.
Your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data will not be collected or processed for secondary purposes.
We may collect your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data in different ways: when you provide it directly to us or when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by law, always complying with the purposes indicated in the Privacy Notice.
The Group will not collect personal data directly from children under the age of 18. Only persons over 21 years of age may give consent to the Data collected.
It is recommended that parents/guardians regularly review and monitor their child's email usage and other online activities so that they do not share personally identifiable information with us without their prior consent. At any time, you may request that we delete any Personal Data about your children by sending us a request to delete by email to the following email address: datospersonales@grupobimbo.com.
Your Data and Sensitive Personal Data may be transferred to the controlling companies, subsidiaries, affiliates or any other belonging to the Group, in Mexico or abroad; to third parties, national or foreign, for the fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes, or when such communication of data is provided for in a Law or Treaty, or when required by the competent authority.
Through the signing of agreements and/or the adoption of other binding documents, we will ensure that these third parties maintain adequate security, administrative, technical and physical measures to safeguard your personal data, as well as that said third parties only use your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data for the purposes for which they were collected and in accordance with this Privacy Notice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will not assign or transfer your Data to third parties unrelated to the company, except in the cases mentioned above and those provided for by Law.
We will implement the necessary technical, administrative, and physical security measures to ensure the integrity of your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data, and prevent its damage, loss, alteration, destruction, or unauthorized use, access, or processing. Only authorized personnel, who have complied with and observed the corresponding confidentiality requirements, may participate in its processing.
Authorized personnel are prohibited from allowing unauthorized persons access to and using their Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data for purposes other than those set forth in this Privacy Notice. The obligation of confidentiality of the persons involved in the processing of their Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data subsists even after the relationship with the Group has ended.
It is your responsibility, as the Owner of Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data, to ensure that the Data provided to the Group is true and complete, as well as to notify the Group of any modification to the same so that it can comply with the obligation to keep the information updated.
It is important to inform you that as the Data Subject you have the right to access your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data that we hold and the details of the processing of these, as well as to rectify them in case they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice or are being used for purposes not consented to; and object to the processing of the same for specific purposes or limit their use or disclosure.
To exercise these rights, it is necessary to submit a written request addressed to the Data Department of Corporativo Bimbo, S.A. de C.V., at the following address: Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 1000, Col. Peña Blanca Santa Fe, Mexico City, Mexico, C.P. 01210, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on business days.
Any application for processing must contain and accompany the following:
- The name of the Account Holder and address or other means of communicating the response to your request. In the event that the Owner fails to provide an address to receive the response, the request will be considered not submitted, for which the pertinent certificate will be issued.
- The documents that prove the identity of the Owner in a simple copy and having exhibited the original for comparison or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the Owner (by means of a Public Deed or power of attorney signed before two witnesses).
- The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which any of the rights is sought to be exercised.
- Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data.
The response to your request will be given, at your choice as Owner, by email, or by written response when you go directly to the Group's offices at the address indicated to collect it, and the response may be reproduced in electronic documents, simple copies, or verbally. The Group will have a period of twenty business days, counted from the date on which the request was received or from the date on which the Owner resolved the request for information, to inform the Owner if it is appropriate. If the request is admissible, it will be effective within fifteen days of the date on which the response is communicated. The aforementioned periods may be extended only once for an equal period when justified.
In order to learn more about the requirements of the requests, their origin or forms, the Owner may contact the Department of Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data in any of the following ways: directly at the company's address or at the email address datospersonales@grupobimbo.com.
At any time, you have the right to revoke consent for the processing of your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data, so that we stop using them, for which you must submit your request in accordance with the procedure and requirements indicated in the previous paragraphs.
Similarly, during your visit to this page, the Group may automatically collect the following information regarding your computer and your visit: (i) the domain and server from which you access the Internet, (ii) the Internet address of the page from which you linked directly to our page, if applicable, (iii) the date and time you entered, how long you stayed on the page and what areas you visited, (iv) your Internet Protocol (IP) address, and (v) your computer's operating system and browser software. We may employ third parties to handle these enforcement measures, however, in no case do we obtain information about the individual identity of any visitor. Such third parties must observe our privacy standards and provide us with only the information in its entirety, to use the information collected only for the purposes for which the third party was engaged, and then destroy the information.
This website may use cookies that send information to your computer as you browse our site. Cookies are unique to your computer and allow the Internet server to collect information to make using the site easier and more convenient. Cookies add convenience that saves you time when you return to this page. They can only be registered by your Internet server in the domain that issued the cookie. Cookies cannot be used to operate programs or bring viruses onto your computer.
We use our own and third-party cookies to obtain non-personal information from online visitors. Cookies track your browser type, operating system and Internet service provider and allow us to tabulate the total number of visitors to our site. You can disable them on your computer or program it to alert you when cookies are being sent to you by using your browser's preferences icon.
The Group reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time to comply with legislative updates, jurisprudence, internal policies, new requirements for the provision of services or any other cause. Any modifications, as well as this updated document, will be available on the platforms or facilities in which it is used.
This Privacy Notice, as well as the Group's general management, is governed by the legislation in force and applicable in the United Mexican States, so any controversy that arises due to its application must be heard before the competent Jurisdictional Bodies in Mexico City.
In the event that the participating Players and their legal representatives are selected as winners of the experiences, you are hereby informed that the information described in this privacy notice will be provided to the BTC Americas agency, in order to deliver the prizes and/or experience, so in order to enforce any management for the processing of your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data, you must consult page https://www.btcamericas.com/ in the "Privacy Notice" section, where it contains the corresponding Privacy Notice to make effective the rights provided for in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, its regulations and the applicable guidelines.
This Privacy Policy is related to the personal data collected by Efecto Mescalina, SAPI de CV (hereinafter referred to as "Mescalina®").
Mescalina® is committed to protecting the personal data of our customers and prospective customers, as well as other users of our site and our social networks recognized in Article 16, paragraph II of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, as well as the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, its Regulations and other applicable regulations.
It is important to us that you understand how we treat your personal information, and we encourage you to read this privacy policy carefully.
This Privacy Policy is made available to users on the Internet on the electronic address: www.mescalina.mx
You (hereinafter referred to as "the User"), by accepting the terms and conditions, declare that you are aware of and accept the terms and conditions contained in this notice, and declare to expressly grant your acceptance and consent, using electronic means for such purpose, in terms of the provisions of Article 1803 of the Federal Civil Code.
In case the User does not fully accept the terms and conditions of this policy, he/she must refrain from providing any type of personal data by any means.
On the other hand, if the User accepts the terms and conditions, and/or provides any of their personal data, such action will be considered as their absolute and express acceptance of it.
Mescalina® and the User, hereinafter known as "the Parties", declare that, in the absence of error, fraud, bad faith or any other defect of the will that could nullify the validity of this instrument, both agree to be subject to the provisions of the following clauses:
1. Personal Data: Any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.
2. Sensitive Personal Data: personal data that affect the most intimate sphere of its user, or whose improper use may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk for its user. Particularly, sensitive information that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future state of health, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, trade union membership, political opinions or sexual preference.
3. User: Natural person to whom the personal data corresponds or belongs.
4. Responsible: A private natural or legal person (Mescalina®) who decides on the processing of personal data.
5. Processor: A natural or legal person who alone or jointly with others processes personal data on behalf of the responsible party.
6. Processing: The collection, use (which includes access, handling, exploitation, transfer or disposal of personal data), disclosure or storage of personal data by any means.
7. Transfer: Any communication of data made to a person other than the controller or data processor.
8. Remittance: The communication of personal data between the responsible party and the person in charge, inside or outside Mexican territory.
9. Third: The natural or legal person, national or foreign, other than the User or the person responsible for the data.
10. ARCO Rights: Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition.
11. Implicit consent: It will be understood that the User has consented to the processing of the data, when having made the Privacy Policy available to him/her, if he/she does not express his/her opposition.
12. Primary purposes: Those purposes for which personal data are mainly requested and for which the relationship between Mescalina® and the User is created.
13. Secondary purposes: Those purposes that are not essential for the relationship between Mescalina® and the User, but that with their processing contribute to the fulfillment of Mescalina®'s corporate purpose.
Identity and address of the person responsible:
The person responsible for obtaining and processing the personal data of the users is Efecto Mescalina, SAPI de CV, (Mescalina®) who undertakes to respect the provisions of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter "the policy"), which is made available to you, in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (hereinafter the "LFPDPPP"), and it is applicable with respect to the personal data of natural persons, which Mescalina® obtains as a result of the activities it carries out with candidates, workers, customers, prospects of customers, suppliers, prospects of suppliers and/or business partners or service providers, visitors to the facilities and users of Mescalina®'s website and/or of the social networks in which Mescalina® participates.
The address established by Mescalina® for the purposes of this privacy policy is located at Gral. Manuel de La Peña y Peña 38, Chapultepec Nte., 58260, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico.
Data we collect:
The collection, use and processing of personal data will depend on the circumstances. This privacy policy expresses and describes our data collection and protection practices, in some cases, different or additional notices may be provided and applied to the User.
The User acknowledges and accepts that Mescalina® may directly or indirectly process the following personal data, depending on the relationship with each user: Full name, age, official identification with photograph, image or photograph, address (street and number, neighborhood, zip code), CURP, RFC, account statement, position or position held, credit card data (card number and name of THE HOLDER), billing data, contact and position data, area, landlines and mobile phones, emails, username of the social networks in which you participate, signature, name of the legal representative of the company, articles of incorporation of the company, power of attorney of the representative registered in the Public Registry of Property and Commerce, data and billing address (postal code, state, country, city or municipality, colony, locality, street, exterior and interior number), electronic invoice.
Original or copy documentation: Official identification with photograph, articles of incorporation of the company, legal power of attorney of the representative registered in the Public Registry of Property and Commerce, RFC ID, proof of address, commercial and/or personal references.
If the owner uses the services offered by Mescalina® so that the beneficiary and/or user of said services is a third party, said owner must previously obtain his/her consent before providing his/her personal data to Mescalina®, undertaking to protect Mescalina® from any controversy caused by the unauthorized use of the personal data of third parties. In cases in which the third party is a minor in accordance with applicable Mexican regulations, the owner declares under oath to tell the truth, that he/she has sufficient powers to grant his/her personal data to Mescalina® and accept this Privacy Policy, undertaking to hold Mescalina® safe and peaceful from any controversy caused by the unauthorized use of the personal data of third parties and minors of age.
The owner and/or legal representative, in this act, grants their express consent in terms of article 8 of the LFPDPPP, for Mescalina® to process their personal data, including the financial and/or patrimonial personal data contained in this clause, to comply with the purposes established in this Privacy Policy.
The owner and/or legal representative, in this act, and under oath of telling the truth, accepts that the data he has provided to Mescalina® is true, current and correct. In addition, you agree to hold Mescalina® safe from any lawsuit or claim, derived from errors in the personal data you have provided.
Mescalina® states that it may obtain THE OWNER's personal data through the so-called public access sources, to validate, update and contact THE OWNER, respecting at all times the reasonable expectation of privacy referred to in article 7 of the LFPDPPP.
Mescalina® will use the IP address (Internet Protocol) to analyze any threats to Mescalina®'s website, as well as to gather demographic information. However, the IP address will in no case be used to identify THE HOLDERS, except when there is a likelihood of fraudulent activity.
Use of cookies and web beacons:
Mescalina® acknowledges that the Mescalina® website may use cookies in connection with certain features or functions. Cookies are specific types of information that a website transmits to the owner's computer hard drive, for the purpose of keeping records. Cookies can be used to facilitate the use of a website by saving passwords and preferences while the owner is browsing the Internet.
The Mescalina® website does not use or store cookies to obtain personally identifiable data from the cardholder's computer that was not originally sent as part of the cookie.
Web beacons are images inserted into an Internet page or email that can be used to monitor a visitor's behavior, such as storing information about the User's IP address, the duration of interaction on that page, and the type of browser used, among other data.
Although most browsers automatically accept cookies and web beacons, the owner can set their browser not to accept them.
Mescalina® accepts and acknowledges that it may process directly and/or through processors, the personal data of the owner, in accordance with the type of relationship it has with him, for the following primary purposes.
In the event that the owner and/or legal representative does not wish their personal data to be used for all or some of the secondary purposes set out in section 6.2, they must send a request for the deletion of their data, specifying the purposes for which they wish their personal data not to be processed. to the following email: giveme@mescalina.mx.
Limitations on access to and disclosure of personal data:
Mescalina® undertakes to make its best effort to protect the security of the personal data that the owner is delivering to it, through physical safekeeping, the execution of confidentiality agreements with customers, suppliers and employees, the use of technologies that control the access, use or unauthorized disclosure of personal information, such is the case of antivirus and firewalls on Mescalina®'s access servers and databases, as well as by contracting SSL security certificates for Mescalina®'s website; likewise, Mescalina® stores personal information in databases with limited access that are located in controlled facilities with security mechanisms such as 24-twenty-four hour surveillance systems and an alarm system for unauthorized access to the facilities; Mescalina® undertakes that the information provided by the owner will be considered confidential and used under full privacy.
In this regard, Mescalina® is committed to take the necessary measures to ensure that the processors it uses comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy, with the obligations in its charge and particularly with the provisions established in article 50 of the LFPDPPP regulations.
Likewise, Mescalina® is obligated to hire cloud computing services that process the personal data of the holders, provided that they respect the provisions of article 52 of the LFPDPPP regulations.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in the event of security breaches occurring at any stage of the processing, which significantly affect the economic or moral rights of the owners, they will be informed by email, immediately, so that the latter can take the corresponding measures to defend their rights, disclaiming Mescalina® from any responsibility if the violation is not attributable to him.
Designated to process applications:
In the event that the owner and/or legal representative needs to revoke their consent, as well as access, rectify, cancel or oppose the processing of the personal data they have provided, they must do so through the committee appointed by Mescalina®, whose contact details are described below:
Responsible: Privacy Committee. Email: giveme@mescalina.mx
Means of revoking consent:
The owner and/or legal representative of the personal data may revoke the consent granted with the acceptance of this notice. Such revocation of consent granted by electronic means must be done by observing the following procedure and using the format that Mescalina® makes available to you.
Send an email to the responsible committee, designated in point eight of this notice, through which such requests will be attended.
Send a request or data message to the email address specified above, in which you indicate:
a) The full name of the holder, their address and email address to receive the response generated by their request.
b) The reason for your request.
c) The arguments that support their request or requests.
d) Official document that proves their identity and that proves that they are who they say they are.
e) Date from which the revocation of your consent becomes effective.
Attached to the aforementioned email address, the format indicated in this section, with the signature of the owner or legal representative.
Mescalina® will notify the owner in writing, via email, within a maximum period of 20-twenty days, counted from the date on which the request for the revocation of consent was received, of the resolution adopted, so that, if appropriate, it will become effective within 15-fifteen days following the date on which the response is communicated. by means of a message indicating that all the necessary actions have been carried out to not process the personal data of the owner.
Means to exercise ARCO rights.
In the event that the owner needs to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the processing of the personal data that he/she has provided to Mescalina®, the owner must carry out the following procedure and use the format that Mescalina® makes available to him/her.
Send an email to the responsible committee, designated in point 8 of this notice, through which such requests will be attended, indicating the following:
a) The full name of the owner, address and email address to receive the response generated by your request.
b) The reason for your request.
c) The arguments that support their request or request.
d) Official document that proves their identity and that proves that they are who they say they are.
e) Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO rights, and any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data.
f) In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, the OWNER must indicate, in addition to what has been indicated, the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports their request.
g) Attach to the aforementioned email address, the format indicated in this section, with the signature of the owner or legal representative.
Mescalina® will notify the holder, within a maximum period of 20 days from the date on which the application for ARCO rights was received, of the resolution adopted, so that, if appropriate, it will become effective within 15 days following the date on which the response is communicated. In the case of requests for access to personal data, the delivery will proceed after accreditation of the identity of the applicant or legal representative, as appropriate.
Transfer of personal data:
Mescalina® undertakes not to transfer or share the data referred to in this notice in favor of third parties, except in cases where it is necessary to comply with the purposes of this notice, or they are necessary in compliance with a request from an authority.
The parties agree that the Privacy Policy may be modified at the time and in the manner that Mescalina® determines, in accordance with the study and the regulations that arise in terms of personal data protection, for which reason it is obligated to keep the Privacy Policy updated, for consultation on the Mescalina® website so that the owner is able to exercise his ARCO rights.
Guarantor authority:
If you consider that your right to the protection of your personal data has been violated by any conduct or omission on the part of Mescalina®, or if you presume any violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, its regulations and other applicable regulations, you may file your disagreement or complaint with the National Institute of Transparency. Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). For more information, we suggest you visit their official website: www.inai.org.mx.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
The parties express that this notice will be governed by the legal provisions applicable in the Mexican Republic, especially by the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and its regulations.
In the event that there is a dispute or controversy arising from the interpretation, execution or compliance with the notice of any of the documents derived therefrom, or that are related to it, the parties shall amicably seek to reach an agreement within a period of 30 calendar days, counted from the date on which the difference arises and the counterparty is notified in writing of such event, deducing the mediation process before the Alternative Justice Center of Mexico City, being carried out under the Alternative Justice Law of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City and its internal regulations, in force at the time the controversy is presented.
In the event that the parties do not reach an agreement, they hereby agree to definitively resolve all disagreements arising from this notice and/or any of the documents derived therefrom, or that are related to it or those, submitting to the jurisdiction and laws of the federal administrative authorities or courts of Mexico City, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that by reason of their present or future domiciles may correspond to them.
Business Travel Consulting, S.A de C.V. (hereinafter referred to as "BTC"), with an address receive notifications at Av. Río Mixcoac No. 69, Col. Crédito Constructor, Alc. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03940, Mexico City, Mexico, is responsible for the treatment and protection of the personal data that we collect from you.
Our Privacy Officer is the person within BTC who, in compliance with Article 30 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, has been formally appointed to:
• To respond to the requests of the holders for the exercise of their rights.
• To promote and ensure the protection of the personal data we have in our possession.
For all matters related to the processing and protection of your personal data, you may contact our privacy officer by sending an email to the following address: protecciondedatos@btcamericas.com
In order to carry out the purposes indicated in numeral 4 (four) of this privacy notice, in relation to your participation or attendance at the congress, convention or event (hereinafter referred to as "Congress"), we will collect the following categories of personal data: (i) Identification; (ii) contact; (iii) labor; (v) academics; and (v) financial.
In the event that you provide us with personal data of accompanying third parties, you must previously have the consent of the owner of said data and inform him or her that you will be able to learn about this privacy notice on our website.
In case you do not wish your personal data to be processed for the aforementioned secondary purposes, or any of them, you can deny us your consent from this moment by sending your request to our privacy officer, who will indicate the procedure to follow to exercise your right. Your refusal in this regard may not be a reason for us to deny you the services you request or contract with us.
Under the terms of the applicable regulations, you have the right to know what personal data we hold about you, what we use it for and the conditions of use we give it (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we delete it from our records or databases when we believe that it is not being used properly (Cancellation); as well as to oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights. In order to exercise any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request through an email addressed to our privacy officer, who will inform you about the procedure and requirements for the exercise of those rights, response deadlines, the way in which we will make your right effective and will answer any questions. Complaint or comment you have in this regard.
Under the terms of the applicable regulations, you may revoke the consent that you have granted us. However, it is important that you bear in mind that in not all cases your request will be admissible, or we will be able to terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation, we require us to continue processing your personal data.
To revoke your consent, you must submit your request through an email addressed to our privacy officer, who will inform you about the procedure and requirements for exercising this right, response times, the way in which we will make your right effective, and will attend to any questions, complaints or comments you have in this regard.
If you consider that your right to the protection of personal data has been violated by any conduct or omission on our part, or if you suspect any violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, its Regulations and other applicable regulations, you may file your disagreement or complaint with the National Institute of Transparency. Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). For more information, we suggest you visit their official website www.inai.org.mx.
If necessary, and/or at the discretion of the Organizer, it reserves the right to expand, modify and/or clarify the scope of these Terms and/or any of the procedures, which will be communicated through the Contest Website in the Contest section.
The Contestants accept that any breach of the obligations contained in these Terms entitles the Organizer to initiate the legal actions that may be appropriate. The legal representatives of Contestants agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Organizer and their partners, shareholders, staff and affiliated companies from and against any liability, loss, claim and expense, including attorneys' fees and expenses, if it results from the violation of these Terms.
These Terms and Conditions and the relationship that is generated between any participant and the Organizer will be governed and concluded with full subjection to the applicable laws in Mexico City and to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of Mexico City, Mexico, waiving the Participant and the Organizer to any other jurisdiction that may be applicable based on their address or for any other reason, which implies an express waiver of jurisdiction of any country that may correspond to it.